Whitney - The female artist with the most performances at Wembbley stadium1934年至2004年間最常在英國Wembley球場演出的藝人排行榜出爐,惠妮拿下女藝人之冠!完整排行榜如下:(source: The artists with the most performances over the years from 1934 to 2004.  What's On Wembley)

Female Artist
1 Whitney Houston
2 Tina Turner

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Producer/Songwriter Bryan-Michael Cox teams up with Whitney HoustonPRODUCER/SONGWRITER BRYAN-MICHAEL COX SEES GOLD AT GRAMMYS:
Gets Best Contemporary R&B Album Grammy for Mariah's 'The Emancipation of Mimi.'

New York City -- The Midas touch continues as Mega-Producer/Songwriter Bryan-Michael Cox received the Grammy for Best R&B Album of the year for the second year in a row, during last nights show.

Cox co-wrote and produced several songs, on what many called the biggest music comeback of the decade, Mariah Carey's "The Emancipation of Mimi." Bryan Michael Cox and his Midas touch helped catapult Mariah Carey's album, as two of the golden boy's songs ended up as consecutive No. 1 Billboard hits for Carey, including "Shake It Off" and "Don't Forget About Us." An outstanding achievement as Carey attained her 17th No. 1 single poising her to surpass the King of Rock, Elvis Presley, as the artist with the most No. 1 hits in this era.

In 2005, Bryan Michael Cox garnered four Grammy Nominations, two with Mariah Carey's, "The Emancipation of Mimi," one for "Best R&B Album" with Fantasia and another for "Best Contemporary R&B Album" with Destiny's Child.

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Top 10 Outrageous Celebrity Wedding Dress - Whitney Houston ranked No.9 
小報永遠的摯愛惠妮,本週再度登上InTouch Weekly!本期的feature story是Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie,先是講他們倆的婚禮細節,沒想到扯啊扯就扯到好萊塢史上十件最驚人婚紗,惠妮榮登第九名!

有別於一般蓬蓬裙設計,No. 1 Diva選的是全套緊身婚紗!整件以法式雷絲鑲滿珠珠,裙襬拖地長達四呎,再搭配上同樣設計的帽飾,設計師Marc Bouwer花了整整六個月,才打造出這麼一件令人傻眼的婚紗,InTouch的總評是: Whitney's Wacky Wedding Turban (惠妮的瘋癲婚紗帽飾)

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Brokeback Mountain

昨天走在學校竟然撿到這份以斷背山當頭條的NYU Today!NYU Today是學校自己發行的報紙,內容大半關於學生生活、校園快訊和紐約人文環境,基本上很難吸引我這種蘋果日報讀者,不過這次看在斷背山的面子上,馬上拿了三份收藏!哈!

這篇報導是在講NYU Tisch藝術學院的校友,在本屆奧斯卡提名發光發熱,包括最佳導演李安、男主角Philip Hoffman、女主角Felicity Huffman等等,都是從Tisch畢業的。上面還附了一張李安的清純照!

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根據義大利的歌迷報導,惠妮已經抵達義大利杜林(Torino/Turin),準備2/19的演出,她下榻Royal Palace Hotel。

另外有一則未經證實的消息,說惠妮2/13(一)早上已經到達演唱會場地進行音控測試及彩排,在場人員說她聲音很好,看起來十分健康,19日她將會唱I Believe in You And Me, Greatest Love Of All, 和I Have Nothing/I Will Always Love You medley。報導指出她之所以需要提前一星期彩排,是因為14日她要飛到斐濟(Fiji)跟老公共度情人節。


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