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【太陽報專訊】雲妮侯斯頓7月來港獻唱一場,最貴門票高達5千元,創下香港有史以來最高票價紀錄,不過,這批門票只有數百張,全部用作慈善用途,只會透過慈善機構發賣。除慈善門票外,其他門票由888元至1,988元。今次雲妮只獨自來港獻唱,其夫Bobby Brown和子女則不會來港。雲妮在港獻唱後,將會前往北京、上海及日本舉行亞洲巡迴演唱。過往雲妮曾於88年在紅館開三場演唱會,99年亦曾來港作私人演出。

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至於惠妮演唱會的具體情況,主辦方稱演唱會會非常豪華,絕對超過剛剛在京舉行演唱會的莎拉布萊曼的水準。主辦方同時認為惠妮休斯頓的票房肯定也將是驚人的,因為惠妮休斯頓完美的音樂早在上世紀90年代便已風靡樂壇,她的名字就是獎項與排行榜冠軍的代名詞。她的嗓音濃郁、綿密、光輝,有如一座金礦。表演更是真摯、濃烈、大氣,有著澎湃的激情和強大的衝擊力。特別是影片《保鏢》主題曲《I Will Always Love You》在世界各地都家喻戶曉。

此外,由於布蘭妮原定的中國巡演被推遲到了明年,所以著名組合“後街男孩”將頂替其來華,目前“後街男孩”北京演唱會地點已經確定為北京工人體育場,時間為9月,批文正在等待之中。(記者 翟佳)

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Whitney Houston & Dionne Warwick to be honored for their lifetime achievements 

The first WOMEN'S WORLD AWARDS 2004 laureates have been announced. President Mikhail Gorbachev will present Whitney Houston, 40, and Dionne Warwick, 63, with the “World Artist Award Lifetime Achievement” for their lifework at the WORLD AWARDS gala on June 9, at the CCH Hamburg. Both artists have confirmed that they will personally accept the award in Hamburg.

Dionne Warwick's first reaction: “It is a special honor for me to receive this award. After the worldwide success of the WORLD AWARDS over the past years I am especially happy to be among the first women to receive this prestigious award”.

Georg Kindel, Chairman and Founder of the WORLD AWARDS: “Whitney Houston und Dionne Warwick have influenced the music world like few others. Over the years their support for humanitarian concerns, in particular their active involvement in the ongoing battle against AIDS as well as their sustained support of children's initiatives convinced the WORLD AWARDS Committee to present both with this prestigious award"

Houston Dionne

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Whitney Houston, with husband Bobby Brown by her side, made her first public outing since being in rehab. Cameras were rolling and following 'The Bobby and Whitney Show' as the couple entered the real world of reality television at a Christian Dior event in Hollywood.

"'Whitney, you know you have an incredible base of fans out there. Do you feel the love from them," asked Access Hollywood Shaun Robinson.

Whitney & Bobby Reality TV?

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DiorWhitney Houston and Bobby Brown are ready to face the world again. And in a rare interview with "Extra," the couple appeared affectionate and grateful to all the fans who have supported them. "We love them so much," said Whitney. "God bless you," Bobby added.

Brown and Houston have kept a low profile since Whitney checked herself into rehab and Bobby was sentenced to a short jail stint. But Thursday night's Dior party in Los Angeles, promoting the launch its new D'Trick line, was too good to pass up.

While Houston revealed to us that she's sought strength from her celebrity friend, Mel Gibson, Brown said he's thrown himself into his work -- mainly a new reality show he's shooting about his life.

"It's called 'Being Bobby Brown' -- she has to deal with me being Bobby Brown," he said, which drew a laugh from Whitney. "It's difficult for me to be a husband and father and still be Bobby Brown with the world on you constantly."

Brown is taking the project very seriously. He's hired crews to follow him wherever he goes. In fact, earlier Thursday night, "Extra" was there as crews taped the couple eating at a popular Los Angeles restaurant. The pair hammed it up for the cameras while having dinner and waiting for their limo.

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