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惠妮的澳洲演唱會消息是近來全球新聞關注的焦點, 德國最大的電視台RTL還派出記者遠赴澳洲專訪惠妮, 畢竟四五月間惠妮將在德國舉行多達十場的演唱會, 買票的人都很關心自己的性命安危, 惠妮在訪談中澄清近來說她再度吸毒的不實報導, 說自己非常重視巡迴時的身體健康, 吃了很多維他命等, 報導也為她平反, 說墨爾本的演出獲得大家好評:



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NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 國家有色人種進步協會)每年所舉辦的Image Awards形象獎是為了鼓勵各行業傑出表現的有色人種, 惠妮在吸毒案爆發前也是這個獎項的常客, 戒毒重新復出卻慘遭葛萊美打槍的惠妮再度在黑人的地盤得到溫暖, 於錄音類獲得兩項提名 - 傑出女藝人傑出music video (I Look To You)。競爭對手實力相當堅強, 請看:

Outstanding Female Artist
Alicia Keys

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BET電視台每年在各領域中選出優秀黑人來Honor, 2010年終於選到惠妮啦~ 這次他們找來Jennifer Hudson, Patti LaBelle, Mary J Blige, India Arie來向惠妮致敬, 通常被honor的人不會表演, 只要美美的出席即可。典禮將在1月16號錄製, 2月1號播出, 播出日正巧在葛萊美獎後一天, 專輯被葛萊美全盤否定的惠妮, 在寒冷的冬日裡, 從黑人當家的頻道裡得到了溫暖。


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一月份的InStyle雜誌封面人物是惠妮喔! 封面的她看起來超年輕俏皮的, 裡面更是一堆美圖, 必買指數!

IS_01.jpg IS_02.jpg IS_03.jpg IS_04.jpg IS_05.jpg IS_06.jpg IS_07.jpg IS_08.jpg IS_09.jpg IS_10.jpg IS_11.jpg 

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果然年紀大的歌迷不會衝票數, Favorite Female Artist和Favoriate R&B Artist兩個獎項的提名都落空了, 以下是入圍名單:

RNB_nominations.gif female_nominations.gif


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歐普拉正在為自己第24季的節目造勢宣傳, 當記者問她到底惠妮在interview裡說了什麼, 歐普拉說:

- 訪談前兩人單獨會談, 了解對方目的為何

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隆重為您介紹, Monica的妹妹Whitney! 不知道是哪個神奇攝影師把她拍得離譜的年輕!

這張照片你說是Bobbi Kristina的姊姊我也相信! 惠妮很少這種帶點健美風的照片, 還有這腿張的好開啊! 哈哈

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天后的大comeback戲碼怎能少了電視界一姐的支持?歐普拉正在網站上徵求死忠的惠妮迷上節目, 分享他/她的惠妮故事, 這也暗示了惠妮即將登上歐普拉秀暢談新專輯, 還有她過去幾年的人生體驗, 至於訪談的走向會是如何, 我們可以從她問歌迷的問題中略知一二:

Are you a lifelong fan of Whitney Houston?

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昨天做了一個夢, 夢到台灣的SONY BMG要幫惠妮辦預購活動, 負責的唱片公司人員非常苦惱, 他說: 「怎麼辦, 我手上只有歌曲音檔和專輯標準字體, 請問我能生出什麼好康預購禮啊??」夢裡一堆人七嘴八舌, 有人說那就送倫敦試聽會那張大掛報啊? (ㄟ...我已經出5萬買了啊!!), 還有人說要送 Memoirs of An Imperfect Husband 不完美老公回憶錄 (惠妮會飛去台灣揍你我想), 夢裡的我什麼idea也沒有, 就聽大家你一言我一句的, 好不熱鬧。

經過一天思考, 終於想出了完美贈禮...

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巴比布朗的新書 "Bobby Brown: The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But..."搭上惠妮comeback的順風車近日在美國上市了, 書中的內容讓人很不能接受, 他怪罪惠妮讓他染上嚴重毒癮, 並指責惠妮執意離婚, 拆散他和女兒, 讓他非常痛苦, 書中更詳細說明他與惠妮食用毒品的種類和方法, 他宣稱, 正如同這本書的書名, 他所言全屬事實。

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I Look To You專輯封面的單肩銀白配亮灰上衣: Herve Leger

專輯宣傳照的兵馬俑黑色小瓷磚洋裝: Carmen Marc Valvo

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就在同一天, 兩大天后不約而同地穿上同一件衣服, 遠距離大撞衫! 一個在米蘭的fashion show, 一個在倫敦新歌試聽會, 兩人都愛Dolce & Gabanna, 你覺得誰穿得比較美呢?

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法輪功仙女隊是近來在紐約爆紅的一支有組織行動的街頭游擊隊,她們身著飄逸的長紗古裝,頂著刺骨寒風,盤據在紐約各大街頭,逢人就問好並散發傳單,宣傳每年農曆新年舉辦的「華人新年晚會」。每個週末我都會跑一趟紐約的小台北「Flushing」採購一些好吃的或小零嘴之類的東西,像Flushing這種每天都跟Times Square一樣擠的地方,當然是仙女隊絕對不會放過的大票倉。


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超美的封面!! (點圖可放大)

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Dionne Warwick Says Whitney Ready for Comeback
September 18, 2006

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熱烈歡迎賓拉登加入愛惠老鼠會!昨天美國各大電視媒體都報導了這則新聞!我昨天出門上班前聽到晨間新聞主播大喇喇地念出Whitney Houston這個名字,還播了一堆惠妮如花似玉的畫面時,心頭一驚,想說一代天后終於掛了,沒想到聽到的竟是這麼一則年度爆笑新聞!

賓拉登前馬子 Kola Boof 爆料,不愛聽音樂的賓拉登,卻深深愛上惠妮的人和音樂,深陷到無法自拔的地步!以下是她新書中節錄的片段:

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曾經跟惠妮有過一段情的 Eddie Murphy 要再度結婚了,預定九月舉行的婚姻,惠妮正是座上嘉賓。大家也很好奇這兩位昔日情侶在各自經過風風雨雨後,兩人的互動是如何。

說實話 Eddie Murphy 配上辣妹合唱團 Mel B 這個組合的怪異程度跟許純美和邱品叡有得拼!他們倆上個月在一個 Party 中相識,這個月就決定在九月結婚了!男方大女方整整14歲!兩人之前都結過婚,Eddie 與前妻結婚12年,育有五個小孩;女方前段婚姻只維持了三年,有一個女兒。

Eddie Murphy and former Spice Girl Mel B are reportedly set to wed in September.

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一位LA的惠妮歌迷正在號召全美惠妮迷,在七月一號當天於各地集會遊行,呼籲大家以行動關心支持並援助惠妮,讓她早日走出陰霾,並且想要連署推動每年七月一日定為「愛惠日」(We Love You, Whitney - National Day) 。此項行動的發起人Calvin Shears表示:「我希望至少有50~60個城市響應這個活動,我已經聯絡非常多黑人議員、官員、社運團體、電台、報社、學生等等,我們想要集合各方的力量,向惠妮表達我們的支持和愛。」


Local Resident Supports Troubled Singer
By Shirley Hawkins
LA Our Weekly Staff Writer

A cabaret singer living in the Jefferson Park area plans to hold a press conference and rally to “save” singer Whitney Houston, whose alleged problems with substance abuse have been reported for months on several news shows and in numerous tabloids.

Calvin ‘Cashears’ Shears, has been circulating hundreds of flyers throughout the Los Angeles area featuring photos of a ravaged and emaciated-looking Whitney Houston. Headlines on the flyers proclaim, “She’s Crying Out For Help! Will We Save Her?”

Since circulating the flyers, Cashears said that he has received dozens of calls from individuals and various groups shocked by the pictures and expressing their concern for the multi- Grammy winner.

“We want to send a collective thunderous roar of love to Whitney so that she will see she’s not alone and that we will be there for her as a support system,” said Cashears, a vocalist for 35 years who has performed internationally.

Cashears said that the intense media attention on Houston became apparent when he walked into a convenience store and saw Houston’s haunted face staring back at him from the tabloids. “She looked unrecognizable,” Cashears recalled. “Then I was watching television and I heard about two or three stories about her drug abuse. I felt that they were denigrating her and I became outraged and indignant. I was burning up, I was really mad,” Cashears recalls.

Cashears feels that news media is to blame for contributing to Whitney’s alleged problems. “I feel like the greatest female voice of all time is on the verge of being silenced,” Cashears pointed out. “Whitney is going through a dark and turbulent period in her life and she is being denigrated and castigated in tabloids, newspapers, on radio and television across America. I’m saying to the news media that I’m not going to let you destroy my sister.”

Cashears felt that substance abuse is widespread in the entertainment industry. “I don’t think it’s her fault. She’s just gotten caught up (in the drugs). I want to try to save her. It’s never too late.”

The veteran vocalist said that Houston is his favorite female singer. “The first time I heard her sing, I was in heaven,” said Cashears. “The cultured texture of Whitney’s voice brought more converts to soul music and R&B than any other person in the history of soul music. She sang with passion, vigor and fire,” said Cashears, who has never met the pop diva.

Cashears will be holding a press conference on Monday, June 12 at 11 a.m. in Leimert Park to announce at nationwide “We Love You, Whitney” Day. He hopes to launch a national day of support for the singer, urging a nationwide “reach out” to Whitney day that will be held in several cities throughout the country. “I hope that at least 50 to 60 cities will get involved,” said Cashears. “We will have the rally nationwide July 1 at the simultaneously in all of the cities,” said Cashears. “I am contacting radio stations to get the word out about Whitney and I am also sending out letters to people across the country to lend their support.”

Cashears hopes that more community residents and leaders will get involved. “I’m calling on all “black politicians, ministers, civil rights groups, black radio stations, newspapers, college students and the rest of our people to send a collective message of thunderous love across America to Whitney Houston.”

“ I love her and it breaks my heart to imagine what the world would be without the greatest voice of all time. I’ll do whatever it takes to save Whitney,” said Cashears.

Cashears can be reached at (323) 734-0074.

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為什麼惠妮那麼會唱歌?為什麼她吸毒都不會死?為什麼她總是能自以為紅?為什麼就是有歌迷買她的帳?為什麼為什麼?相信你一定也在心裡納悶過。今天,在我看完X-Men 3之後,一切問題都有了解答 - 我懷疑,惠妮根本就是變種人!

當然我口說無憑,有圖才有真相!由上圖可以清楚地看到,暴風女Storm的招式跟惠妮在保鑣裡所用的如出一轍!只差惠妮沒辦法像她一樣翻個白眼就可以控制天氣!從圖中看得出來兩人的氣勢相當!但如果真打起來的話應該是暴風女獲勝,因為她只要把天氣變冷,惠妮就倒嗓了,發不出聲音,所以惠妮 - 敗!

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