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NEW YORK - July 1, 2005 - The June 30 premiere of Bravo's new reality series, "Being Bobby Brown," averaged more than 1.1 million total viewers over two back-to-back original episodes. The series, which takes a fly-on-the-wall look at Grammy-winning Bobby Brown, and his life as a husband, father, and friend, burst onto Bravo's Thursday night lineup averaging a 1.1 household rating (up 199% from the season-to-date time-period average), 829,000 adults 18-49 (up 293%), 768,000 adults 25-54 (up 240%) and 429,000 adults 18-34 (up 393%) - becoming the highest rated Thursday program premiere in the 25-year history of the network.

六月30號首播的Being Bobby Brown電視實境秀當晚吸引了全美110萬家庭收看。
創下Bravo TV近25年來星期四首映節目的最高收視紀錄!

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The Crazy Kids (and Whitney doesn't like sharks)

Family Sing-A-Long

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Being Bobby Brown follows Brown, his wife, pop superstar Whitney Houston and his extended family over the course of six months as they put their respective lives back together. The series will also demystify Brown's relationships with Houston; their daughter, Bobbi Kristina; his children from previous relationships, La Princia and Bobby Jr.; and his brother Tommy, Bobby's personal manager.

One of the hottest R&B stars of the late 80s and early 90s, Brown is credited for popularizing New Jack Swing, which is hybrid style of R&B or soul music combined with Rap or Hip-Hop rhythms. A founding member of New Edition, Brown left the group in 1986 to embark on a solo career. Brown's second solo album, "Don't Be Cruel," which was released in 1988, landed him on the cutting-edge of modern R&B and spawned the no. 1 hit "My Prerogative," the ballad "Roni," and "Every Little Step," which earned him a Grammy in 1989 for Best Rhythm and Blues Vocal Performance, Male. Brown's other hits include the "Ghostbusters II" theme "On Our Own," "She Ain't Worth It," "Humpin'Around," "Good Enough," "Get Away," and "That's the Way Love Is." 

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刊登於本期Entertainment Weekly裡的廣告


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音樂娛樂界黑人女性執行長協會將於8/19舉辦年度的高峰會,會中將表揚多位星媽,包括Jonnetta Patton (Usher), Cissy Houston (Whitney Houston), Carolyn London (Tyra Banks), Rita Owens (Queen Latifiah), Roberta Shields (Ludacris), Dr. Donda West (Kanye West), Deloris Jordan (Michael Jordan), Sonja Norwood (Brandy), and Mahalia Hines (Common),感謝她們辛苦地照料這些橫跨各領域的傑出表演者並細心管理他們的事業。

一連五天的活動包含了餐會、一系列關於事業、財產、人際關係管理的座談會、幫助大家擴充人脈和精彩的LIVE表演。更多活動訊息請看 www.nabfeme.org


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Being Bobby Brown
(Bravo, premieres Thursday, 6/30, 10pm/ET)

This verite-style series isn't a train wreck, it's a Hindenburg disaster-and you won't be able to look away. There are no fake setups or goofy sound effects a la NEWLYWEDS or THE ANNA NICOLE SHOW. This is Bobby and Whitney raw: Their burps, fights, rambling conversations-many of them bizarrely scatological-and relationship with long-suffering daughter Bobbi Kristina are laid bare for all to see. The cameras follow them everywhere, including a London vacation (Bobby runs into the Dalai Lama and his bodyguard bleats, "Mr. Lama? This is Mr. Brown!") and an Atlanta spa (Bobby and Whitney cackle raucously over a bottle of champagne). Ever wondered what keeps these two together? This series shows you-and it's not always a pretty sight.

-TV Guide Review

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Black Eyed Peas 新歌 Don't Phunk With My Heart 裡頭有唱到惠妮。



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"Being Bobby Brown" Bravo TV 6/30首播

一共八集每集30分鐘的電視實境秀Being Bobby Brown將於6/30在Bravo TV首播。內容將讓大眾了解同時身為父親、惠妮的丈夫和"King of R&B" (惠妮封給他的)的巴比布朗私底下究竟是個怎麼樣的人,你會看到他幽默、溫馨和感人的一面。

Being Bobby Brown拍攝歷時半年,巴比的全家都參與其中,包括他的老婆、三個孩子、兄弟和眾家親朋好友,Being Bobby Brown將帶你深入了解這位小報醜聞天王真實的一面。

在這八集的Reality Show中,你將與巴比一起體驗他生命中的起起浮浮,有全家高興出遊的場面,和老婆相約SPA的甜蜜時光,當然也包括上法庭聆聽判決的難堪鏡頭。

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(左: 26歲的Lena Horne; 右: 32歲的Whitney)

黑人傳奇女星 Lena Horne (不要懷疑你的眼睛,她是黑人沒錯) 的傳記電影多年來一直處於只聞樓梯響的階段,其中一個主要的原因是Lena找不到中意的女明星來扮演她,經過多方的競爭,預料會出線的 Janet Jackson,卻因為超級盃露奶事件遭到Lena拒絕,她最後決定交由惠妮來擔綱,這項消息在惠妮再度住進勒戒所前發佈,細節目前沒有透露。

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四月號Q雜誌評選出他們心目中的50大靈魂金曲和十大靈魂專輯,惠妮的It's Not Right But It's OK榜上有名!

這讓我想到前幾天走在路上,突然聽到一句拔尖的歌聲 "You were making a foooo~oool of me ohhhhh"!!

「是誰??是誰在唱???」 我本能地迅速掃瞄整條街,發現是我後面一個白人女生!

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Access Hollywood's Top 10 Stars Of 2004

We at Access Hollywood love Lindsay Lohan. In fact, over the course of 2004, we count 50 stories that were done on the reigning teen queen. Unfortunately, that's still not enough for Lindsay to crack our list of top 10 headliners for 2004, although she did come close, finishing at No. 11. But with almost 300 shows and a total of roughly 4,000 stories in 2004, a whopping 20 percent were about 10 certain celebs.

Acess Hollywood 照2004年的新聞數選出本年度風雲人物,惠妮以全年52則新聞擠進十大,以下為完整前十名名單!

Whitney#10 Whitney Houston
Coming in at No. 10, with 52 stories this year on Access Hollywood, was embattled pop diva Whitney Houston. From her stint in rehab to the Harlem prayer vigil that had her mom singin' and Rev. Al Sharpton preachin,' Whitney made her presence felt. And while Whitney was busy cleaning up her act, husband Bobby Brown was back in jail for failure to pay child support.

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By PEGGY ANDERSEN, The Associated Press writer

Can one library have too many Whitney Houston CDs?

1300 Whitney CDs flooding School's libraryThat's among the quandaries facing local school and library officials as they wade through thousands of CDs that began pouring in this month as part of a 43-state price-fixing settlement with the recording industry.

Some librarians say the selection looks suspiciously like the music companies are dumping stale inventory.

The Tacoma Public Library received about 1,300 CDs from the settlement, much of it Christmas, classical, jazz and popular music. The rest was a mixed bag of Broadway shows and non-Top 40 artists.

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以惠妮休斯頓與巴比布朗日常生活為題材的實境節目,節目名稱就叫做「身為巴比布朗」 (Being Bobby Brown)。這對銀色夫妻近來出席公開活動時,身旁就出現了專屬攝影師,亦步亦趨拍攝他們的一舉一動。就連上週他們在英國倫敦逛百貨公司時,同樣也有攝影機像拍紀錄片一樣的全程跟拍。

這個節目的製作單位就是巴比布朗自組的製作公司Brown Houze。事實上,早在三月底的時候,攝影小組就已經開始拍攝惠妮休斯頓與巴比布朗的居家生活情況,不過當時由於惠妮休斯頓所參加的戒毒輔導課程尚未結束,製作單位對於節目拍攝進度也顯得相當低調。

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Whitney Houston, with husband Bobby Brown by her side, made her first public outing since being in rehab. Cameras were rolling and following 'The Bobby and Whitney Show' as the couple entered the real world of reality television at a Christian Dior event in Hollywood.

"'Whitney, you know you have an incredible base of fans out there. Do you feel the love from them," asked Access Hollywood Shaun Robinson.

Whitney & Bobby Reality TV?

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精挑後宮寢具  3小時刷11萬





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