Luther Vandross的告別式7/8在紐約舉行,他生前一票好友都趕來送他最後一程,包括Patti LaBelle, Dionne Warwick, Aretha Franklin, Cissy Houston, Usher, Alicia Keys等等。看到這邊你有沒有發現好像少了一個人?一名與Luther兄妹相稱的女子,她的媽媽也在現場。

Luther Vandross的告別式現場 - 非常隆重

Patti LaBelle當天念了一段Luther媽媽寫給兒子的一首詩,叫做"You Kept Your Promise"這是她在跟大家合唱Luther的"The Power of Love"的模樣

最後好像瘦身有成的天后娘唱了一首"Deep River" 歌曲最後,她加了一句話 "One of these days, Luther, I'll meet you over there"

某名缺席女子的表姊 Dionne Warwick也到現場了, 她上台致詞時舉出了很多曾跟Luther一起合作唱歌的人, "Frank Sinatra, Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross, Whitney Houston, and me." (她提到那名女子了!!)

雖然Patti LaBelle說 "Today, no sad faces. We're celebrating!" 台下的好友們還是免不了落淚

靈魂樂永遠的教母Aretha Franklin也乘坐她的飛碟來送Luther最後一程, 她稍後唱了"Amazing Grace"

眾星大合唱Luther的"The Power of Love" 仔細找找還是沒看到那名女子...

到底那名缺席的女子是誰?她的媽媽, 表姊, 教母們(Patti, Aretha)全部都現身的場合她竟敢不到??
現在我們就公布她的照片, 請目擊名眾把她抓起來!

就是妳!! 妳去哪了?????


Songs Fill a Soaring Space as Luther Vandross Is Mourned
July 9, 2005/ New York Times

It was altogether fitting that as a hearse bearing the coffin of Luther Vandross, the prince of the bedroom crooners and a lord of the light FM dial, began to pass into Harlem yesterday, there was a quiet storm.

As a gentle rain fell, several hundred admirers gathered in front of the Apollo Theater on 125th Street, where the singer had performed. The hearse slowed to allow people to pay their respects before making its way to the funeral at Riverside Church in Morningside Heights.

"I'm in the pouring rain because it's Luther I love, " said Renee Thomas, 48, a nurse technician in Harlem.

Tina Lynch, 54, a church conference coordinator in Harlem, added, "After Barry White, after Marvin Gaye, who was left but Luther? I don't have a husband, but I've had many a boyfriend and many a fianc?and we all romanced to Luther."

The crowd cheered and waved as if the singer were still alive, and those who could ran for several blocks as the hearse picked up speed.

The tan coffin containing the body of Mr. Vandross, who died on July 1 at 54 after complications from a 2003 stroke worsened, was laid under the church's stained-glass splendor, facing a choir in white and a minister in purple.

The nearly three-hour service comprised a series of powerful vocal performances by Patti LaBelle, followed by Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin and finally by a chorus of well-known singers singing Mr. Vandross's "The Power of Love."

Appearing before the packed church, which seats 2,100, Ms. LaBelle wore a saffron-colored dress and sparkling jewelry around her neck. When she took out her reading glasses, the spectacles, too, were jeweled.

She recited a poem with the line, "God gave you a mighty voice to sing you a song," and the pews erupted in cheers.

Dionne Warwick, dressed in a black and white polka-dot dress, noted the variety of performers who had sang with Mr. Vandross.

"Frank Sinatra, Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross, Whitney Houston," she said, then paused and shimmied her shoulders. "And me."

Stevie Wonder sang a song and took it to soaring heights. It held the church spellbound.

Suddenly, Ms. LaBelle, alone of all the people in the pews, stood up, shaking her head in amazement at Mr. Wonder's ability to hold a note. Then, a woman in the choir stood, staring at Mr. Wonder as if the earth was about to open beneath him.

When Mr. Wonder ended his song, men folded their arms across their chests and caught their breath. Women wiped tears from their eyes.

And then Ms. Franklin sang "Amazing Grace," and somewhere after "Lord, how sweet the sound," the Rev. Jesse Jackson stood bolt upright in his pew, rocking on the balls of his feet, smiling at Ms. Franklin and looking as if his hands might rise above his shoulders.

And then, as if by some unheard signal, everyone stood and raised their hands above their shoulders. A minister broke into a spirited dance.

Near the end of the service, a chorus including Usher; Alicia Keys, with her arm around Ms. LaBelle; the duo Ashford and Simpson; and Mr. Wonder and Ms. Franklin all sang "The Power of Love."

Finally, husky coffin bearers raised Mr. Vandross's casket, to the applause of the church. And Luther Vandross's admirers lifted their hands one last time.


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