On today's Oprah show, Jamie Foxx is the guest and he talked about how he had Bobby & Whitney sing karaoke at a recent party.

Jamie is known for his Hollywood parties, but he says his get-togethers aren't quite what the crowd might be expecting. "Puffy throws a party and it costs $2 million," Jamie says. "What I told Puff was, 'Puff, I throw great parties, too. They don't cost that much!'" According to Jamie, a great party takes less than $500!

One important part of any party is the food and refreshments. "We get fried chicken, but we put it in a nice bowl," Jamie says. "And we've got cola and everything like that." Also, make sure the guest list includes "pretty people from the opposite sex."

And, finally Jamie has just a word of advice. "Karaoke," he says. "We do karaoke marathons." At one of his L.A. karaoke parties, Jamie invited Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston. "As I'm going in the bathroom I hear somebody going, "I don't do this for everybody. I tell you I get paid $1 million dollars to sing this song." And then Whitney goes on stage and karaokes. She sings 'I Will Always Love You' better than she's ever sung it in the last 10 years and people literally hold their cell phones up. They call their parents, their friends."

Jamie Foxx 日前上Oprah秀時談到他最近請巴比和惠妮到他的party來玩,由於Jamie在好萊塢是出了名的party達人,Oprah便請教他辦party的秘訣。他說:「要搞好一個party其實不用花太多錢,美金500元就足夠了,重點是要有好的食物和飲料,還有就是要請一些帥哥美女來捧場。」

「最後,一定要來個瘋狂卡拉大作戰!」他繼續說。「最近請惠妮來那次,當時我正想去上廁所,卻聽到台上有人說:『我平時是不隨便唱這首歌給人聽的,因為我一唱就值100萬美金!』原來是惠妮上台唱I Will Always Love You,她唱得實在好極了,應該是這十年來最好的一次吧!好到台下每一個人都開始打手機給親朋好友,並把手機舉得高高的,好讓電話那頭的人能一起欣賞惠妮的歌聲!」


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