




1) 精確地鎖定開演的地點 2) 將自己定位成女性觀眾最愛的愛情片,而不是爭議性的同志片 3) 跳脫出文化衝突的框框

「我最感到驕傲之處並不在於我們選擇去做的事,而是我們決定不做的事。」 Focus Features的總裁 James Schamus 解釋著他如何以反向思考行銷這部1400萬美金成本的片子。

上個星期成功擴充上映戲院數到 1196 家的斷背山,目前的票房已經突破4380萬美金,超越大導演史帝芬史匹伯同時上映的7000萬美元成本新片"Munich"(慕尼黑),即便是在許多重要的大城市,斷背山的表現依舊擊敗對手。

「斷背山的票房真的很不錯...」 Nebreska州 Lincoln市 Douglas Theatre的副總這麼說。「它的票房是一直以來是"慕尼黑"的三倍,我想人們並沒有因為它是部同志主軸的電影而不看它。」

撇開2800萬成本卻賣破1億美金的"Walk The Line"(為你鍾情)不談,斷背山很有可能比今年其他任何一部奧斯卡熱門片都來得賺錢:"Crash" (衝擊效應)成本750萬,賣5340萬;"Good Night, and Good Luck" 成本750萬,賣2490萬。


以1999年的Boys Don't Cry為例,雖然影評一致叫好,Hilary Swank也因此片獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角,但這部片被貼上了"變性少女的悲劇故事"標籤,造成票房一厥不振,僅賣出1150萬美金,主流觀眾並不賞臉。


「我們絕對不會讓單純的電影發行捲進政治的馬戲團,絕對不會!」Focus Features的行銷總裁 David這麼說道。

事實上,在好萊塢以同志為主軸或議題來發揮的電影顯少能發光發熱的。根據 的統計資料,在176部認定為同志主軸或議題的電影裡,只有一部片賣座超過一億美金(in the US),那就是1996年Robin Williams的同志喜劇"The Birdcage"(鳥籠)

為了打破同志片就不賣錢的魔咒,Focus Features運用了一種獨特的行銷手法:在斷背山初期小規模於紐約市及洛杉磯上映時,他們精心挑選上映的戲院地點。


「在曼哈頓這些區域上映後所形成的口耳相傳的力量,能夠決定一部電影所能吸引到的觀眾類型,」 Focus Features發行部總裁 Jack Foley這麼說道。



簡單的來說: 當一個學生說好看,推薦給朋友時,斷背山就成為學生可以看的電影,不再是藝術片怪咖看的電影;當一個住在西上城區有錢的公司主管推薦斷背山時,它就成了那個族群可以看的電影...以此類推。因此,一部電影該給誰看並不是由電影的內容來決定的,而是由觀眾的口碑(word of mouth 口耳相傳的力量)決定的。片商利用紐約特殊的區域小氣候所營造出的多元觀點,成功將斷背山將原本狹隘的電影歸類(非主流同志藝術片)擴展到浪漫愛情電影,打進主流觀眾市場。 (<--- 此段不在原文內,是我自己的總結)


片商將斷背山定位為一部淒美的愛情電影,主打女性觀眾市場。電影海報的標語清楚地寫著"Love is a Force of Nature" (愛...是與生俱來的力量),電影的預告片中也滿是希斯萊傑和傑克葛倫霍的浪漫畫面,以及他們各自婚姻生活的甜蜜鏡頭,僅有三幕關於夫妻間因同志秘密戀情而反目的畫面。

同時,片商小心地挑選與斷背山預告片一起播放的其他電影預告片,他們選擇與同樣主打女性觀眾的電影預告片一起播放,例如茱蒂佛斯特的空中危機(Flightplan),和莎麗賽隆的"North Country",兩部都是以女性觀眾為訴求的片子。


翻譯(by Bryan) 自華爾街日報 1/27/2006 W6版
作者John Lippman -

Mining 'Brokeback Mountain'
To Make Hit, Studio Wooed Women, Weighed Venues; New York's Microclimates
January 27, 2006; Page W6

Despite the cracks about gay cowboys on late-night TV and chin-stroking about whether it would play in Peoria, "Brokeback Mountain" is poised to be not just one of the most praised films of the 2005 Oscar class -- it will become one of the most profitable movies of the year, and a mainstream one at that.

How did "Brokeback" break out? By surgically targeting where the movie would play in its initial release; selling it as a romance for women rather than a controversial gay-bashing tale; and opting out of the culture wars rather than engaging them.

"I'm more proud of what we didn't do with this film, as opposed to what we did do," says James Schamus, co-president of Focus Features, explaining the contrarian marketing and distribution strategy behind the $14 million film.

"Brokeback," which expanded into 1,196 theaters last weekend and has now grossed $43.8 million at the box office, is filling seats across the country, and last week passed Steven Spielberg's $70 million-budget "Munich" (a drama about Palestinian terrorists) even in the heart of the heartland. "Brokeback" is "doing quite well," says Debby Brehn, vice president of Douglas Theatres in Lincoln, Neb., where "Brokeback" ticket sales are running 3-to-1 against those for "Munich" since "Brokeback" opened Jan. 6. "I wouldn't say people are not seeing it because of its homosexual content," she says.

Aside from the $28 million-budget Johnny Cash biopic "Walk the Line," which has passed $100 million at the U.S. box office since opening Nov. 18, "Brokeback" looks on the way to becoming more profitable than other Oscar contenders, such as "Crash" (box office, $53.4 million), and "Good Night, and Good Luck" (box office, $24.9 million). Each of those films had budgets of just $7.5 million.

One of the most difficult challenges for Hollywood marketers is how to "cross over" a film that normally would appeal only to a narrow audience. A story about two ranch hands who fall in love, "Brokeback" would seem to appeal mostly to a gay and art-movie audience. Getting pigeonholed by a potentially divisive label can ruin a marketing campaign and doom a movie at the box office. It happened to the 1999 critically acclaimed drama "Boys Don't Cry," which won Hilary Swank an Oscar for Best Actress for her role as a Nebraskan girl who lived as a boy. Dogged by its image as a movie about a teenage transgender tragedy, it made only $11.5 million at the U.S. box office and never won a mainstream audience.

At the outset, Focus executives wanted to keep "Brokeback" from becoming a target in the culture wars, which could have overtaken their marketing message -- that it's a romance, not a "gay cowboy movie." Focus did market the film to the gay community but hasn't used it to push the cause of gay rights. "We will never turn the release of the film into a political circus act -- ever," says David Brooks, the studio's president of marketing.

Indeed, movies with gay themes or issues have rarely been a happy experience for Hollywood. Of 176 movies identified as such by, which analyzes box-office statistics and trends, only one movie with a predominantly gay theme has ever earned more than $100 million at the U.S. box office: the 1996 comedy "The Birdcage," which starred Robin Williams.

To try to beat the odds against a gay-themed film succeeding, Focus chose an unusual strategy when it came to placing "Brokeback" in its first theaters in New York and Los Angeles, says Jack Foley, president of distribution at Focus. Like microclimates in Napa Valley that can produce dramatically different wines, neighborhoods in Manhattan can draw entirely different audiences: Chelsea attracts gay viewers, the Village students, the Lincoln Center-area affluent boomers. Word of mouth from a Manhattan opening can determine with what audience a film succeeds or fails.

Normally, "Brokeback" would have opened in downtown theaters in the SoHo-East Village areas -- typical for an art-house film. Instead, on its opening weekend Dec. 9, Mr. Foley placed "Brokeback" into a megaplex in Chelsea, another uptown at Lincoln Center, and only one near Greenwich Village. "I didn't want New York to say this is an art-house film," says Mr. Foley. "I wanted a mix of voices talking about it to defeat it being called 'a gay cowboy movie.' "

Targeting Female Viewers

At the same time, Focus has been marketing "Brokeback" as an epic romance aimed at women. The movie's poster advertises that "Love is a Force of Nature," and the movie's trailer shows seven shots of tender romantic and happy moments between Mr. Ledger's and Jake Gyllenhaal's characters and their respective wives and families. By comparison, only three shots in the trailer show husband-wife confrontations over the gay affair. (Focus executives say the marketing materials are the same nationwide.)

The studio also carefully selected the movies to which it attached the promotional trailer for "Brokeback," with the idea of targeting female viewers, Mr. Brooks says. One was "Flightplan," with Jodie Foster, whose fan base is heavily female. Another was the Charlize Theron drama "North Country," since its theme -- women confronting bias at a Minnesota mine -- had a strong female appeal.

And as the weeks pass, the demographics of the "Brokeback" audience have shifted. Gays turned out for the first weekend, with 60% of the audience male and 40% female. But in the next three weeks, women responded to marketing and the audience flipped to 60% female and 40% male. Now, as the media attention intensifies in the wake of the film's wins at the Golden Globes, heterosexual men are going to the film on their own and the women are sliding back down to the mid-50 percentile, Mr. Brooks says.

Next: Tuesday's Oscar nominations.

Write to John Lippman at 

Update: 2006-02-06

Brokeback Mountain Cast on Oprah Show (2006-01-27)
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