
I Look To You 惠妮休斯頓之仰望祢
(Music and Lyrics by R. Kelly) 詞曲: R. Kelly    翻譯: 愛惠旗艦店

(Verse 1) (Verse 1)
As I lay me down 我躺下來
Heaven hear me now 上天請祢傾聽我
I'm lost without a cause 我迷失了自己
After giving it my all 付出了所有

Winter storms have come 暴風雪來臨
And darkened my sun 天空一片昏暗
After all that I've been through 一切苦難後
Who on earth can I turn to? 我還能投靠誰?

(Chorus) (Chorus)
I look to you 我只能仰望祢
I look to you 注視著祢
After all my strength is gone 雖然力氣已用盡
In you I can be strong 在祢身上  我尋得力量

I look to you 我仰望著祢
I look to you 注視著祢
And when melodies are gone 即便世界鴉雀無聲
In you I hear a song 在祢身上  依舊聽見歌唱
I look to you 我仰望著祢

(Verse 2) (Verse 2)
After I lose my breath 剩下最後一口氣
There's no more fighting left 戰到一兵一卒
Thinking to rise no more 再也站不起來
Searching for that open door 只想找到出口

And every road that I've taken 所有的嘗試
Led to my regret 最終都令人懊悔不已
And I don't know if I'm gonna make it 不知道能不能撐過去
Nothing to do but lift my head 我只能抬起頭來

(Chorus) (Chorus)
I look to you 仰望著祢
I look to you 注視著祢
And when all my strength is gone 雖然力氣已用盡
In you I can be strong 在祢身上 我尋得力量

I look to you 我仰望著祢
I look to you 注視著祢
And when melodies are gone 即便世界鴉雀無聲
In you I hear a song 在祢身上  依舊聽見歌唱
I look to you 我仰望著祢

(Bridge) (Bridge)
My levees are broken (oh Lord) 我的城池被攻破
My walls have come (coming down on me) 城牆倒了下來
tumbling down on me (All the rain is falling) 重重壓在身上
The rain is falling 大雨無情地撲打
Defeat is calling (set me free) 眼看就要徹底輸了
I need you to set me free 祈求祢拯救我
Take me far away from the battle 帶我遠離戰場
I need you 我需要祢
Shine on me 照耀我 給我光明

(Chorus) (Chorus)
I look to you 我仰望著祢
I look to you 注視著祢
After all my strength is gone 雖然力氣已用盡
In you I can be strong 在祢身上 我尋得力量

I look to you 我仰望著祢
I look to you 注視著祢
And when melodies are gone 即便世界鴉雀無聲
In you I hear a song 在祢身上  依舊聽見歌唱
I look to you 我仰望著祢

I look to you... 仰望著祢...
I look to you...  仰望著祢...


這首歌根本是首福音歌曲, 從歌詞的意境可以了解為什麼惠妮說它總結了新專輯的精神 - 透過信仰的力量, 克服一切困難考驗, 重新再站起來的精神。我覺得bridge寫的最貼切, 在人生大大小小的"戰役"中, 不免會有被重重擊敗, 一敗塗地的時刻, 這時候惠妮選擇了仰望她的神, 祈求祂照耀她, 給她光明, 我想不管你的信仰是什麼(或根本沒信仰) , 人在最脆弱的時候總是在尋找一個救贖, I Look To You把這種心情表露無遺, R. Kelly寫得好,
惠妮也詮釋得恰到好處, 我相信這首歌在人生過程中, 一定有機會安慰到你。

我覺得這首歌像是I Didn't Know My Own Strength前部曲, 有了信仰加持後, 才驚覺自己的力量。


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