
還記得前陣子傳言惠妮將取代寶拉成為下一季American Idol評審的事嗎?


這新聞發布前,我記得在超市偷看國家詢問報時看到這樣一則八卦,說AI的人找惠妮洽談合作事宜,惠妮很有興趣但她的條件是巴比也要一起參加,AI的人當場傻眼,只好說兩造回家重新思考一下再繼續聯絡。報導提到另一位人選是Mariah Carey,但他們的首選還是惠妮。


Abdul Will Remain AI Judge

(Euroweb Aug 8, 2005)--All hopes of Whitney Houston or Mariah Carey possibly replacing Paula Abdul as an "American Idol" judge next season were crushed Friday when her rep announced that she would not move over to Fox's new talent contest, "So You Think You Can Dance."

Abdul's publicist said Friday that her schedule won't allow for any participation on the new dance series, where she had originally planned to appear as a guest choreographer in several episodes.

"We had not anticipated the time commitment required to successfully produce and appear" in the show, her flack Ken Sunshine said in a statement. "It became apparent that her prior commitments ... made it impossible to be part of this new show."

Fox Broadcasting and "Dance's' producers issued a statement saying they "respect Paula's decision to step away."

"We wish her all the best and look forward to working with her soon," the statement read.

Around the time Abdul's flirtation with the new show hit the news, reports had also surfaced that "American Idol" producers were in talks with both Houston and Carey as potential replacements for Abdul, should she decide to bounce.

"So You Think You Can Dance" features contestants competing against each other for $100,000 and an apartment in New York for a year. The winner will be chosen by viewers.


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