目前分類:1990年代 (14)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

俗話說得好, 好漢不提當年勇, 天后不用接唱機, 但在這失控的世界, 當眾家天后已經接唱到出神入化的境界, 我們稍微幫破嗓天后提一下當年勇應該也不算過分吧!? 話說1999年惠妮突發奇想, 想以她的世界巡迴演唱為主題, 拍攝一部實境電影, 順便發行演唱會DVD (真不敢相信她的腦子竟想得出這麼好的idea), 於是她找來專營這個項目的一家公司DoRo幫她拍攝, 後來因為種種原因, 這些片段不見天日, 直到今日, 某個歌迷找上了這家公司的網站, 才發現這隱藏十年的寶物:

第一部video是這部胎死腹中電影的預告片, 還記得以前覺得她My Love Tour的聲音不麼樣, 可是現在一聽, 下巴都要掉下來! 怎麼會每一首都好聽到靠杯的地步! 尤其那個I Will Always Love豈是天籟可以形容?? 不過很奇怪的是, 那時候覺得D&G的秀服好美, 但現在看起來怎麼有點閃亮三姐妹的fu?

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I Have Nothing 宇宙天后以一擋萬,鎮壓巴西瘋狂歌迷

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前陣子買了這本1992年的Hello Magazine,上面刊登了當年惠妮巴比轟動的世紀婚禮

最左邊的伴娘是 CeCe Winans


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Movie Poster

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三秒之內要猜出來,不會就要老實說 (回應在下面),我想知道到底有多少人看過這隻 video。


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惠妮休斯頓台北演唱會 (1997-05-25)

1997年5月25日,傍晚十分的台北市立體育場,微涼的初夏晚風吹散了三萬人群集的躁熱,全台灣的焦點凝聚在座落體育場北區的偌大舞台上,當「Nippy 97」的音樂悠揚響起,全場觀眾爆出如雷的歡呼與掌聲,台灣地區繼93年Michael Jackson後最盛大的流行樂演唱會「惠妮休斯頓1997太平洋之旅巡迴演唱會」,在幾分鐘後即將正式開場,筆者以工作人員的身分見證這次重要的音樂盛會,從三月份確定Whitney來華演唱的行程後,龐大繁雜的籌備工作讓全公司的人員陷入一陣「惠妮狂熱」中,眼見Whitney即將獻身於燈光燦爛的舞台,心中竟泛起一陣不能置信的懷疑感受------。
Opening I' Every Woman

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The Whitney E. Houston Academy of Creative and Performing Arts is one of the East Orange School District's Cohort III schools. America's Choice is its Whole School Reform (WSR) model. This program focuses on the enhancement of students' reading and writing skills across the entire curriculum. Major emphasis is placed on instruction in these areas and in mathematics, as classroom teachers implement the New Jersey State Core Curriculum Content Standards in grades K-8.The pre-school program at Houston is "Curiosity Corner" and the Kindergarten program is "Kinder Korner".

The creative and performing arts theme continues to permeate all areas of instruction. This theme has been designed to enhance students' natural creativity, talents, interests and skills providing exciting learning opportunities in a dynamic, multi-faceted, creative and performing arts environment.

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惠妮遊日內瓦湖 1999

Date          City          Venue
20-Aug-99          Travel to Gdansk, Poland          ---
21-Aug-99          Day-Off          ---
22-Aug-99          Gdansk, Poland          Sopot Festival pics from Gdansk
23-Aug-99          Travel Day to Vechta, Germany          ---
24-Aug-99          Day-Off          ---
25-Aug-99          Vechta, Germany          Stoppelmarkt pics from Vechta
26-Aug-99          Travel Day to Coburg, Germany          ---
27-Aug-99          Coburg, Germany          Schloblatz pics from Coburg
28-Aug-99          Mannheim, Germany          Schlob Ehrenhof pics from Mannheim
29-Aug-99          Travel to Zurich, Switzerland          ---
30-Aug-99          Day-Off          ---
31-Aug-99          Day-Off          ---
01-Sep-99          Zurich, Switzerland          Hallenstadion pics from Zurich
02-Sep-99          Munich, Germany          Olympiahalle
03-Sep-99          Travel to Hamburg, Germany          ---
04-Sep-99          Hamburg, Germany          Derby Park
05-Sep-99          Berlin, Germany          Waldbuehne pics from Berlin
06-Sep-99          Travel to Sheffield, England          ---
07-Sep-99          Day-Off          ---
08-Sep-99          Day-Off          ---
09-Sep-99          Sheffield, England          Sheffield Arena
10-Sep-99          Travel to Birmingham, England          ---
11-Sep-99          Birmingham, England          National Exibition Center
12-Sep-99          Birmingham, England          National Exibition Center
13-Sep-99          Travel to London, England          ---
14-Sep-99          Day-Off          ---
15-Sep-99          London, England          Wembley Arena
16-Sep-99          London, England          Wembley Arena
17-Sep-99          Day-Off          ---
18-Sep-99          London, England          Wembley Arena pics from London
19-Sep-99          Travel to Paris, France          ---
20-Sep-99          Day-Off          ---
21-Sep-99          Paris, France          Bercy
22-Sep-99          Stuttgart, Germany          Schleyerhalle
23-Sep-99          Travel to Koln, Germany          ---
24-Sep-99          Koln, Germany          Koln Arena
25-Sep-99          Antwerpen, Belgium          Sportpaleis
26-Sep-99          Travel to Koln, Germany          ---
27-Sep-99          Day-Off          ---
28-Sep-99          Day-Off          ---
29-Sep-99          Koln, Germany          Koln Arena
30-Sep-99          Travel to Gothenberg, Sweden          ---
01-Oct-99          Gothenberg, Sweden          Scandinavium
02-Oct-99          Stockholm, Sweden          The Globe
03-Oct-99          Travel to Helsinki, Finland          ---
04-Oct-99          Helsinki, Finland          Hartwall Arena
05-Oct-99          Helsinki, Finland          Hartwall Arena
06-Oct-99          Travel to Oberhausen, Germany          ---
07-Oct-99          Oberhausen, Germany          Oberhausen Arena
08-Oct-99          Oberhausen, Germany          Oberhausen Arena
09-Oct-99          Travel to Stuttgart, Germany          ---
10-Oct-99          Stuttgart, Germany          Schleyerhalle
11-Oct-99          Travel to Rotterdam, Holland          ---
12-Oct-99          Rotterdam,Holland          The Ahoy
13-Oct-99          Rotterdam, Holland          The Ahoy
14-Oct-99          Travel to Zurich, Switzerland          ---
15-Oct-99          Zurich, Switzerland          Hallenstadion
16-Oct-99          Travel to Frankfurt, Germany          ---
17-Oct-99          Day-Off          ---
18-Oct-99          Frankfurt, Germany          Festhalle
19-Oct-99          Travel to Milan, Italy          ---
20-Oct-99          Milan, Italy          Filaforum
21-Oct-99          Travel to Vienna, Austria          ---
22-Oct-99          Vienna, Austria          Stadhalle
23-Oct-99          Vienna, Austria          Stadhalle
24-Oct-99          Day-Off          ---
25-Oct-99          Vienna, Austria          Stadhalle
26-Oct-99          Day-Off          ---
27-Oct-99          Leipzig, Germany          Messehalle
28-Oct-99          Munich, Germany          Olympiahalle
29-Oct-99          Day-Off          ---
30-Oct-99          Oberhausen, Germany          ---
31-Oct-99          Day-Off          ---
01-Nov-99          Day-Off          ---
02-Nov-99          Antwerpen, Belgium          Sports Palace
03-Nov-99          Kiel, Germany          Ostseehalle
04-Nov-99          Day-Off          ---
05-Nov-99          Stuttgart, Germany          Schleyerhalle
06-Nov-99          Day-Off          ---
07-Nov-99          Birmingham, England          National Exhibition Center
08-Nov-99          London, England          Wembley Arena
09-Nov-99          London, England          Wembley Arena
10-Nov-99          Travel to Dublin, Ireland          ---
11-Nov-99          Dublin, Ireland          MTV Music Awards
12-Nov-99          Travel to U.S.A.          ---

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Whitney hairdo

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