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"Why did they choose to do this outdoors? I don't sing in the cold. It makes my voice funny." -- Singer Whitney Houston Finding an Explanation for Why She Missed Almost Every Note During Her Recent Performance at the Olympics.

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還被蒙在鼓裡的 Extra TV 在亞特蘭大機場堵到惠妮巴比,很高興地報導惠妮從奧運歸國的消息,並形容她這次奧林匹克式地重返樂壇。原文如下:

Meanwhile, Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown were spotted at the Atlanta airport. "Extra" caught up with the couple as they returned from Whitney's Olympic-sized comeback -- her performance at the Winter Games in Torino, Italy. (pics from http://www.whitney-live.com )

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One (Bad) Moment In Time
By Jim Caple (for ESPN.com)
Sunday, February 19, 2006 

The nightly medals ceremony held in Piazza Castello is a well-done, occasionally stirring occasion, and it was especially so Sunday night, thanks to heavy snow, thunder and lightning, creating a fabulous winter atmosphere in the baroque plaza.

And then, there was Whitney Houston.

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大家期待已久的演唱會報導終於來了,不過你要有被連環爆破炸死的心理準備!! 這場演唱會目前正與 Divas Duets 2003 爭奪惠妮休斯頓史上死傷最慘烈演唱會第一名的寶座,據估計,將有上千位愛惠歌迷被炸死。文底有曲目和mp3下載連結,一有新檔案或圖片進來,我會不斷更新,記得定時過來check。(點圖可放大)

Whitney Houston Live at Winter Olympics, Torino 2006 
Whitney Houston Live at Winter Olympics, Torino 2006 
Whitney Houston Live at Winter Olympics, Torino 2006 

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Thank you for your e-mail regarding the Winter Olympics Interactive coverage. We had hoped to show the Medal Ceremony concerts on a nightly basis but unfortunately the rights we had been given to broadcast these events were thrown by a last-minute hitch, so we have been advised not to broadcast the concerts until the issue has been resolved. We still hope to be able to do so at a later stage.

All the best

Matt Millington

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