
DiorWhitney Houston and Bobby Brown are ready to face the world again. And in a rare interview with "Extra," the couple appeared affectionate and grateful to all the fans who have supported them. "We love them so much," said Whitney. "God bless you," Bobby added.

Brown and Houston have kept a low profile since Whitney checked herself into rehab and Bobby was sentenced to a short jail stint. But Thursday night's Dior party in Los Angeles, promoting the launch its new D'Trick line, was too good to pass up.

While Houston revealed to us that she's sought strength from her celebrity friend, Mel Gibson, Brown said he's thrown himself into his work -- mainly a new reality show he's shooting about his life.

"It's called 'Being Bobby Brown' -- she has to deal with me being Bobby Brown," he said, which drew a laugh from Whitney. "It's difficult for me to be a husband and father and still be Bobby Brown with the world on you constantly."

Brown is taking the project very seriously. He's hired crews to follow him wherever he goes. In fact, earlier Thursday night, "Extra" was there as crews taped the couple eating at a popular Los Angeles restaurant. The pair hammed it up for the cameras while having dinner and waiting for their limo.

So, while the world maintains hope that Whitney and Bobby's troubles are behind them, one thing was clear Thursday night: whatever happens next, this talented couple will be in it together.


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