
今天我要宣布 - CeCe Winans 成為愛惠旗艦店終身VIP會員!


「老實說,惠妮跟我已經兩年沒有聯絡了,直到今年六月初接到她打來的電話,我們才重新搭上線。我非常高興她仍然把我當成好朋友。目前她處於人生的谷底階段,同時也正努力地再爬起來,所以我邀請她到我家來(住一陣子)。這段期間以來,我們重拾過去美好的時光,一起歡笑、一起流淚,並發誓一輩子再也不失去聯絡。惠妮還跟我一起上教會,教會的人看到她回到教會來讚美主都為她感到十分驕傲,也看到她不同於媒體報導的真實面目。惠妮是我的好朋友,我會盡一切所能幫助她,我可以告訴你,她正走在一條正確的道路上,你可以跟每個人說這是我CeCe Winans所掛的保證!(CeCe笑)」


"Whitney and I had been out of touch for almost two years and when I received her phone call in early June I was thrilled to know that she was willing to accept my hand of friendship. Whitney is in a valley experience right now and she's struggling to get back on her feet after being down for so long. I invited her to come for a visit and we shared so many things just like old times. We laughed and cried and even vowed never to lose touch again. She has even attended services with me and many people were Godly proud to see her attending services and praising God despite what the media and news reports are saying about her. Whitney is my friend and I will help her in whatever way possible, but she's is definitely on the right road to recovery and you can quote me on that (laughs)"

事實上,前天田納西州(CeCe所住地)的一家媒體已經披露民眾目擊惠妮在田納西州出現的消息,報導指出上星期天早晨,惠妮參加完早上九點在Born Again Church教會的聚會後,跟姊妹淘CeCe Winans去了當地知名的一家起司蛋糕店Cheesecake Factory和Pancake Pantry。記者還打電話問了CeCe的公關,她說惠妮是CeCe的老友,這趟並沒有錄音或談合作事宜,僅僅是老友的相聚。而教會的教友也指出,這不是他們第一次見到惠妮,惠妮已經在這邊有一陣子了。


Whitney and CeCe and Billy, oh my!
Friday, 06/30/06

Yes, that was, indeed, Whitney Houston Sunday at Cheesecake Factory in Green Hills.

But that wasn't the only Nashville eatery Whitney enjoyed. She and some friends also went to Pancake Pantry, where they got some VIP treatment and were able to bypass that long weekend line.

Whitney, in black sweater set with a white polka dot skirt and black heels, went there right after going to the 9 a.m. service at the big ol' Born Again Church on Trinity Lane with her buddy CeCe Winans,

"CeCe and Whitney are longtime friends.Whitney is simply in town spending time with a friend," CeCe publicist Erma Byrd e-mailed me.

"No recordings or business dealings, just friends spending time together."

Indeed, folks at Born Again Church also said Whitney has been there before with CeCe.


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CeCe Winans 最新專輯 Purified
單曲 All That I Need 很芭樂喔!


請大家讓好人出頭天! 買張 CeCe Winans 吧!



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