一直以來都跟惠妮家人走得很近,深知內情的 FOXNews 專欄記者 Roger Friedman 在最新的文章中爆料,自從今年四月開始,惠妮就在家人及各路人馬的嚴密看顧之下,進行徹底的戒毒行動,用他的話是 "undergoing a total rehab for all her vices and illnesses (徹底戒除壞習慣和治療疾病)"。

無獨有偶的,今天我在 AccessHollywood 也看到了類似的相關獨家報導,他們說惠妮之所以能痛下決心跟巴比離婚,並好好整頓自己再出發,有兩個人在幕後居功厥偉,一個是Clive Davis,一個是 Courtney Love (很奇怪吧,竟然跟她有關)。

根據AccessHollywood的內線消息,Clive Davis顧用了一名私家偵探,連續拍到了許許多多巴比和那個怪女人同居和親熱的照片,當證據擺在眼前,惠妮勃然大怒,終於決定跟巴比了斷!據說,惠妮已經停止每月支付巴比布朗一萬五千美金的零用錢 (天啊!他的月薪比陳水扁還高),巴比目前處於完全破產的地步,而大家關心的離婚財產分配也不會是問題,因為惠妮跟巴比在多年前早已簽署婚前協議書,惠妮並不需要付他贍養費。離婚消息曝光後,巴比先對外放話說只是分居,後來對 People 雜誌坦承,他非常傷心難過,沒想到惠妮真的會離開他。

(2004年World Music Awards後台 兩人聽惠妮感動中)

而2004在世界音樂獎後台跟Celine Dion蹲著一起膜拜惠妮的Courtney Love,則是以她過去戒毒的經驗,主動提供惠妮幫助,據 AccessHollywood 報導,兩人現在已成了無話不說的好姊妹。Courtney說當她看到國家詢問報登出惠妮吸毒後的浴室照片時,她非常吃驚,她了解事情的嚴重性,覺得自己非出手相救不可。(所以說我們到頭來還得感謝讓照片曝光,狂撈20萬美金的Tina Brown?)


總之愛惠旗艦店全體同仁在此對Clive Davis、Courtney Love、惠妮的牙醫、和所有不嫌棄吸毒女給予幫助的人士,致上十二萬分的謝意!請繼續加油幫我們把惠妮帶回來!

Whitney Houston: Friends Protecting Her
Friday, September 15, 2006
By Roger Friedman

The news that Whitney Houston has filed for divorce from Bobby Brown isn’t so simple, of course. Her friends and family are in battle mode now, prepared to protect her, they tell me, during this fragile time.

Houston has filed for a separation using a Southern California address — and that’s key to what’s going on here. She really lives in both Georgia and New Jersey, where she owns expensive homes.

But her divorce filing indicates that she’s lived in California since April. The state requires six-month residency for a divorce, so Whitney will file for the permanent parting next month.

Sources tell me that she has indeed been in California since April, undergoing a total rehab for all her vices and illnesses.

“It’s not a regular treatment facility,” says a source who cautions that everyone is concerned about Whitney suddenly being overwhelmed by media.

Still, eagle-eyed readers who’ve examined the divorce filing can see that Houston lists Laguna Hills, Calif., as her address. There are only a couple of facilities that could handle her situation.

But in that spirit, all that this column can do is beg paparazzi and tabloid snoops to stay away. It’s in their best interests anyway: a healthy, long-living Whitney will only provide much future fodder for you. It will be much more exciting to tell the tale of Whitney Houston’s comeback than her demise.

Houston’s insiders are mostly worried that Brown will interfere with her plans or her progress. It’s a reasonable fear.

And then there’s Houston’s choice of divorce venue. Georgia might actually be a better state for her, since there are 13 different ways to claim a divorce.

California, on the other hand, is simply a no-fault state, so Houston won’t be able to accuse Brown of any number of infelicities.

The good news: sources tell me that the couple signed a pre-nup years ago, so the state of filing may not matter at all.


Bobby Brown: 'I'm Saddened' by Divorce
By Tiffany McGee
People Magazine

Commenting for the first time about his split from Whitney Houston, Bobby Brown tells PEOPLE, "I'm really saddened by the whole situation."

Brown spoke to PEOPLE on his cell phone from Boston, where he'd flown in from Los Angeles to celebrate the 17th birthday of his eldest daughter, Laprincia (with ex-girlfriend Kim Ward).

He also caught a Mike Epps show with a group of pals at Boston's Comedy Connection on Sunday night. A source tells PEOPLE that Brown seemed to be in good spirits, mingling with the crowd of 500 and taking a picture with Epps after the show.

Houston, 43, filed for legal separation from Brown, 39, on Sept. 8. However, her rep, Nancy Seltzer, told PEOPLE, "We're saying she filed for divorce because that is her intent."

Houston and Brown were married for 14 years and have one daughter, Bobbi Kristina, 13. Divorce proceedings are expected to begin next month.

In her filing, Houston reportedly asked that she get custody of Bobbi Kristina and that Brown be allowed visitation rights.


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