

萬眾矚目的Nothing But Love Tour二月六日起從韓國首爾正式起跑, 一看曲目俄國歌迷當場大哭, 因為惠妮端出一整盤全新曲目, 再看圖片俄國歌迷開始吐血, 全新豪華的舞台設計, 炫目的燈光搭配超大LED牆播放華麗的視覺藝術, 四枚性感舞男圍著惠妮猛跳, 連樂團也變得有型了, 全部穿上帥氣的黑西裝, 令人耳目一新! 唉...誰叫你們這些貪心的俄國人, 硬要在兩個多月前挖她去唱, 人家還沒準備好啊~

接下來五個月我們平均三天就有一場演唱會可聽可看, 真是太幸福啦!! 我已經開闢一個World Tour全紀錄專區跟她拼了, so stay with me!

以下是首爾第一晚的曲目順序, 有video或下載會在曲目旁更新:

1) For The Lovers  video  
2) Nothin' But Love   video   
3) I Didn't Know My Own Strength  開場白  video 
4) My Love Is Your Love  
5) Exhale   video  
6) If I Told You That   video  
7) It's Not Right But It's Okay  video   

現場播放起One Moment In Time (專輯版)
合音(Gary Houston)先唱 For The Love Of You
女合音再唱Queen Of The Night

8) Tribute to Michael Jackson
    Missing You  video  (連續拉U15秒) 
    即興唱了半首歌隨即轉入Love Medley
9) Love Medley   video 
    Saving All My Love For You
    Greatest Love Of All
    All At Once
10) I Learned From The Best (全新Jazz風編曲)  video  
11) I Wanna Dance With Somebody
12) I Love The Lord
13) I Look To You   video  
14) Step By Step  video1(惠妮出錯搞笑)  version1  version2  
15) I Will Always Love You   video   

16) Million Dollar Bill


我很強片段一開始惠妮竟然說 "It's hard for me to lip-sync y'all, I can't do it, I can't do it, I tried" (對嘴好難! 我辦不到! 我辦不到! 我試過了!!)

歌迷自錄版完整audio下載 (音質很差, 檔案需用QuickTime播放)   PART 1   PART 2   PART 3

原來前兩首是對嘴的, 所以惠妮才在第三首我很強的時候虧自己無法對嘴

Some Pics:


More pics please click here.

Updated 02/07/2010:
韓國當地新聞報導 (負評: 說第一場演唱會可說是這次Tour的彩排)

Houston struggles at Seoul show


All the hype and hoopla surrounding Whitney Houston's first concert in Korea fell flat for fans who had eagerly expected a return to form from the singer.

The aging R&B diva, ailing from a noticeable cold, struggled to reproduce the powerful notes she became so famous for during her concert on Saturday at the Olympic Park Gymnasium in southern Seoul.

It turned out Houston's Saturday night concert was more rehearsal for her world tour than anything else.
An estimated 11,000 turned up for the first concert of her "Nothing But Love World Tour" where she fumbled and squeaked through her set of 20 songs.

Of them, four from her latest release - including "For the Lovers," "Nothin' But Love." as well as past hits such as "Saving All My Love for You," "Greatest Love of All," and "I Will Always Love You."

The 47-year old Houston looked jetlagged and showed cracks in her physical condition after performing just the first song.

From the opening performance, instead of enjoying the relaxing night of soulful music that some had coughed up 180,000 won for, the audience had to sit and stand nervously throughout the 90-minute performance hoping their beloved Whitney could get through her set without keeling over.

And judging by the amount of perspiration she gave, the audience had good reason to be concerned for her wellbeing.
All of the talk about the deterioration of her singing voice over the past decade seemed to have been well placed.
Perhaps the cold she had been ailing from was to blame, but she was not the Whitney Houston people knew at the peak of her popularity.

Every bit of her heavy breathing echoed across the concert venue and close-ups of her face, contorted from exhaustion, could be seen on the giant screens on both sides of the stage.

Houston told the audience midway through her concert that she was not in the best of physical shape due to her cold, just before she left the stage to change costumes.

After the short intermission, Houston performed better. She was clearly trying her best to show some of the passion that had been missing in the first half of the concert.

At one point, the heel of her shoe broke after getting wedged in a crevice on stage and her performance had to be interrupted.

Through all of this, the crowd in Seoul remained upbeat without sending out the heckles that normally would have been expected.

Near the end of the concert, Houston took time to pay tribute to Michael Jackson after mentioning one of her dancers had been part of the late King of Pop's dance troupe.

She also spoke of the tragedy in Haiti and requested a moment of silence for the victims.

Though she made a hash of her first ever concert in Korea, she should be commended for giving it her all, in spite of a cold and jetlag that she had tried to shake off by flying in to Seoul three days ahead of the concert.

Maybe the decision to come early was not the right one. The biting cold of Korea might have given her that sickness which ultimately denied her Korean fans the show of a lifetime they had so hoped for.

By Song Woong-ki


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