Whitney & GorbachevFormer Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, right, and singer Whitney Houston pose with her award before the beginning of the World Women's Award ceremony in Hamburg's Congress Center, in northern Germany, Wednesday, June 9, 2004 Houston got the World Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement. The Women's World Awards are being presented of the first time this year to extraordinary women in 12 different categories. (AP Photo/Christof Stache, pool) 

Whitney Houston receives award in Germany

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【記者 陳慧玲報導】惠妮休斯頓9 日在德國漢堡「世界女性大獎」中獲頒「世界藝人終身成就獎」,而曾由她翻唱的電影「終極保鏢」主題曲「I Will Always Love You」,被美國鄉村音樂電視台選為百大經典情歌第1 名,雖然列名的是原唱人桃莉芭頓的版本,不過惠妮翻唱的也深受歡迎。


美國鄉村音樂電視台選出100 名經典情歌,結果由桃莉芭頓所演唱的「我會永遠愛你」名列第1 名,這首歌被惠妮翻唱後成為電台熱門點播曲,歌迷相當喜歡。而前5 名歌曲還包括:威利尼爾森「常駐我心」、佩西克萊「甜美的夢」、藍迪崔維斯「永遠永遠,阿門」、康威崔堤「哈囉,親愛的」。

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By Liz Smith, June 8, 2004 -- 'WE ARE together. We love each other. I know me and I know the bulls***. They can talk all they want and write all they want. I know the truth."

That was Whitney Houston out in L.A. last week, with hubby Bobby Brown, filming an episode of their upcoming reality series, "Me and Bobby Brown." The controversial pair took in a performance by the burlesque-styled Pussycat Dolls at the Argyle Hotel.

Houston, in a white Dior D'Trick pantsuit, looked gorgeous, with a bit more meat on her bones. She had clear, determined eyes. Whitney and Bobby were enjoying the Pussycats at the invite of another reality show star, Sharon Osbourne, who is no doubt giving the great singer tips on how to make the series "real" but entertaining. (How could it not be entertaining with Bobby and Whitney, neither of whom are reticent emotionally?)

As much as I despise reality shows (aside from the inherent stupidity, there's nothing very "real" about them), I hope this one works out. I have always liked Whitney. When I interviewed the star for Good Housekeeping some years back, she couldn't have been more compelling, charming, real and down-to-earth. I also like that she truly keeps her own counsel; she is a feisty enigma. No matter what we think we know about her, she won't give it up with a lot of self-confession. She's had her problems, but she has guts, too.

I would like to see this star back in the movies. I saw "The Bodyguard" on TV the other night, and was she ever a knockout ?a real presence!

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以惠妮休斯頓與巴比布朗日常生活為題材的實境節目,節目名稱就叫做「身為巴比布朗」 (Being Bobby Brown)。這對銀色夫妻近來出席公開活動時,身旁就出現了專屬攝影師,亦步亦趨拍攝他們的一舉一動。就連上週他們在英國倫敦逛百貨公司時,同樣也有攝影機像拍紀錄片一樣的全程跟拍。

這個節目的製作單位就是巴比布朗自組的製作公司Brown Houze。事實上,早在三月底的時候,攝影小組就已經開始拍攝惠妮休斯頓與巴比布朗的居家生活情況,不過當時由於惠妮休斯頓所參加的戒毒輔導課程尚未結束,製作單位對於節目拍攝進度也顯得相當低調。

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