目前分類:惠妮芳蹤, 各種出席場合 (50)

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2006/10/28 17th Mercedes-Benz Carousel of Hope Ball - Arrivals

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紐約郵報今天的最新報導,在Clive Davis的安排下,惠妮可能會在下個月舉行的Carousel of Hope慈善晚會上獻唱,時間訂在10/28。看這麼一連串的新聞造勢,你現在總該相信這是Clive在幕後策劃了吧? Go Clive!!

Whitney's Splashy Return
New York Post, 9/19/2006

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9/18 惠妮現身於加州的 DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles 監理所之類的地方),神情輕鬆自然,心情似乎沒有受到離婚消息的影響。根據報導,她是去更新她的駕照。

不過我覺得這次亮相似乎是唱片公司宣傳的技倆,幾個原因:第一,惠妮很少私下出門還戴這麼美的假髮,在Being Bobby Brown裡她走到哪裡都戴帽子,一會兒網球遮陽帽、一會兒棒球帽,還不就是懶得弄頭髮,為什麼今天連換個駕照這種小事都要戴假髮?有鬼。

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Glowing Whitney Primed to Make Her Soul Comeback

Before there was Mariah or Mary J Blige, Whitney Houston was the music world's uncontested number one soul diva. And recently the Grammy-winning singer revealed plans to get back in the recording studio.

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Whitney Houston Stops by Kirk Franklin Concert
By Ron Taylor | Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 02:01 AM
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Whitney Houston showed up at the Kirk Franklin/Mary Mary concert Sunday evening at the Atlanta Civic Center. V-103's Miss Sophia spotted the Alpharetta resident when she was escorted in by two bodyguards during the intermission of the show.

"She was just getting her praise on," Sophia said, noting Houston was casually dressed in a black ensemble and fur vest. "I saw a listener ask to take a picture with her. She went out in the aisle and did it and returned to her seat. Nobody really bothered her."

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還被蒙在鼓裡的 Extra TV 在亞特蘭大機場堵到惠妮巴比,很高興地報導惠妮從奧運歸國的消息,並形容她這次奧林匹克式地重返樂壇。原文如下:

Meanwhile, Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown were spotted at the Atlanta airport. "Extra" caught up with the couple as they returned from Whitney's Olympic-sized comeback -- her performance at the Winter Games in Torino, Italy. (pics from http://www.whitney-live.com )

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根據義大利的歌迷報導,惠妮已經抵達義大利杜林(Torino/Turin),準備2/19的演出,她下榻Royal Palace Hotel。

另外有一則未經證實的消息,說惠妮2/13(一)早上已經到達演唱會場地進行音控測試及彩排,在場人員說她聲音很好,看起來十分健康,19日她將會唱I Believe in You And Me, Greatest Love Of All, 和I Have Nothing/I Will Always Love You medley。報導指出她之所以需要提前一星期彩排,是因為14日她要飛到斐濟(Fiji)跟老公共度情人節。


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剛剛才公布的消息,地點在加拿大亞伯達省的 Edmonton,一家叫 Kings Knight Pub 裡唱。真可惜,實在離我太遠了,我也沒有加拿大簽證,否則一定去做實況報導!

Pub 的網站:http://www.kingsknightpub.ca/ 

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WHITNEY Houston could have been singing "I will always love you" to her stylist on a TV show yesterday. She looked glam just hours after looking rough outside an LA clinic.

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Houston Struggles through Vocal Tribute
October 27, 2005

Whitney Houston was back on stage for the first time since rehab Wednesday night at the BET Anniversary Bash, but the singer raised some eyebrows after struggling through a vocal tribute to the late Luther Vandross.

Houston's husband, Bobby Brown, stopped by before the show to assure us everything was fine. "You'll have to see her tonight," Brown said, adding, "When you do, trust me, you're going to like what you see."

Tito Jackson was also giving assurances Wednesday night, telling us there is no way his sister Janet has a secret 18-year-old daughter.

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加州黑人台慶表演 碧昂絲秀熱舞

[TVBS新聞 10/27] 美國加州黑人電視台舉辦25週年台慶慶祝活動,特別邀請到性感天后碧昂絲、瑪莉亞凱莉等人共襄盛舉,連許久未出專輯的惠妮休斯頓,也特地為慶祝活動獻唱一曲。



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LOS ANGELES - African-American icons of prior decades (Arsenio Hall, MC Hammer, New Edition) mixed it up with current superstars Usher, Nelly, R. Kelly, Alicia Keys and Diddy at Wednesday night's taping of 25 Strong: The BET Silver Anniversary Celebration, to be broadcast Tuesday (9 ET/PT).

The all-star concert was divided into five-year segments, with Queen Latifah introducing BET's first years, 1980-85; Arsenio saluting '85-'90; Usher, '90-'95 and Diddy recalling '95-'00 when, he said, "they used to call me Puff Daddy." Bow Wow paid tribute to the past five years, which saw the network kick off its popular BET Awards.

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她是整個 Luther Vandross Tribute 的一員,只是由她開場先介紹 John Legend 唱 
A House Is Not A Home,後來惠妮會唱什麼歌還不清楚,必須鎖定11/1 BET的播出。


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惠妮的工作是介紹 John Legend 出場,所以應該是沒唱到歌?(還是跟他合唱?)


Whitney Houston introduces John Legend on the piano during the 25 Strong: BET Silver Anniversary Special taping, Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2005, at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Danny Moloshok)


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來自 AccessHollywood 的最新消息:

惠妮出現在BET黑人娛樂電視25周年台慶的星光大道!AccessHollywood 的娛樂記者爆料:「我們還不能透露 surprise guest 是誰,我們只能說 She'll always love you! 」可想而知惠妮應該是當晚的神秘嘉賓!這是她繼 2004年9月的世界音樂獎後首度在大型公開場合亮相,至於她會不會表演?如果有表演又是唱哪首歌?目前還不得而知,但目前不止歌迷興奮,連媒體也很高興看到她的復出,明天的AccessHollywood將有一段專門講惠妮的come back。

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頭型實在有夠老土!你看小芭比...簡直是Beyonce!! (小胖版Beyonce啦) 還有惠妮也用LV!!


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6-17 惠妮帶著她的約克夏在紐約街頭出現,她先去看了牙醫,然後到唱片公司開會。她的新專輯目前預定今年11月發行。


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根據西班牙的媒體報導,惠妮這趟巴塞隆納行其實不是度假,而是受邀至當地的Toyota Convention(類似年度會議活動)做表演嘉賓,這是一場私人性質的演出。報導還指出,惠妮是在LA參加完了Will Smith的party後,搭乘法航經巴黎飛巴塞隆納,途中發生食物中毒鬧肚子的插曲。惠妮的親戚(沒有指明是誰)已經先行抵達西班牙,等待惠妮與他們會合。


所以這樣算來,如果我們湊到1000個歌迷,一人出500美金,就可以請惠妮來台灣啦!我們可以另外再賣1000張門票,一張NT$5000就好,這樣每個人的錢又被攤掉一點(相當於一個人花一萬塊多一點吧),就可以擁有一場2000人的迷你惠妮演唱會,超近距離享用惠妮!哈哈!anyway, just daydreaming....



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